is an initiative by Archpoint to help people tap and unLock their creative potential. Creativity is not limited to areas of art, craft and design. It can be used in all aspects of Life. Unleash its power to manifest your highest destiny. Buying this book is a first step in that direction.”

Amit Khandelwal
Amit Kahndelwal is a young, dynamic professional from the field of architecture. He has successfully executed several prestigious real estate projects across India. Professional execution with a creative touch is his mantra for success. He is a firm beliver in creative collaboration.

Vishal Ganeriwal
An ardent truth seeker is what best describe Vishal Ganeriwal. He was attracted to philosohpy very early in life to find answers to the various why’s of life. What started as an intaclatual journey to seek answers, took the shape of a practial spiritual persuite which continues till today under the loving care of his spiritual guru Shri. Kamlesh D. Patel (Global guide of the Hearfulness Institute)